Our Junior memberships at both sites offer a range of exercise options at a fantastic price with no joining fee!
In order to join, all Juniors must have a Parent/Guardian present. A special induction has also been designed specifically for Juniors which must be attended by the Junior member prior to using the gym.
Egham Orbit:
Swim Only: £27.80 per month (8-15 years)
Energiser (Gym, Swim & Classes): £38.10 per month (12-15 years)
Addlestone Health & Fitness:
Gym & Classes: £24 per month (12-15 years)
Minimum 3 month term agreement applies – or pay up front for the year and receive a month free!
Learn more by….
Popping in for a visit, calling us on 01784 333 111 or book a tour by clicking the button below.
Junior Access Times:
All gym sessions, classes and lane swimming sessions must currently be booked in advance via the Achieve Lifestyle App or online.
Egham Orbit – Junior Hours:
- 15:30-16:30
- 16:30-17:30
- 17:30-18:30
- 10:00-11:00
- 11:30-12:30
- 13:00-14:00
- 14:30-15:30
Please note: Juniors will only be allowed to attend the Gym outside of these times, if they are accompanied by an Adult. 18 years or over.
Addlestone: Junior Hours:
Monday – Thursday: 06:00 – 11:15 & 15:30 – 19:30
Friday: 06:00 – 11:15 & 15:30 – 18:30
Saturday – Sunday: 08:00 – 15:00
Please note, Junior do not have to book for their Addlestone Health and Fitness gym access. Juniors are not permitted to use the free weights.
Group Exercise Classes (45 minutes):
Our Junior members are able to take part in the following classes:
Box fit, Step, LBT, HIIT, rebound, power hoop, spinning, body sculpt, Zumba, Pound, Junior circuits, Aquacise, Dance Aerobics, Body Combat.
The following classes are not suitable for our Junior members:
Gun-Ex, Pilates, yoga, Get Active scheme, Body Pump, Body balance, Aqua classes(Except family aqua), Ladies who lift, condition and tone, circuits, spin circuits, Body Tone, Strength.
Lane Swimming at Egham Orbit:
Juniors who have swimming included in their membership can attend any available lane swimming slot. Please note: Our lane swimming sessions are for competent swimmers only.